Qualifications for the Cosmic Blessing

Every Candidate who wants to receive the Cosmic Blessing from True Parents needs to offer certain qualifications to prepare internally for the Matching process and to qualify to receive the Blessing. 

Those who wish to receive the Cosmic Blessing are sorted into one of 3 categories: First Generation Candidates, 2nd+ Generation Candidates, or Married Couples.

What is a First Generation member? Those who have joined the tradition and belief of True Parents are known as the First Generation. 

What is 2nd+ Generation? 2nd+ Generation (2+ Gen) are born and raised in the tradition of Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community.

  • Reach out to your local pastor or BFD Leader to learn more about receiving the Blessing as a Married Couple.

    You can find your local community here.

Submitting qualifications

The Blessing Application process is slightly different for each category: 

First Generation members:

Please send all necessary documents to Ms. Miyako Gerova at: europecosmicblessing@gmail.com

2nd+ Generation members:

All necessary qualifications should be uploaded to our EUME Blessing Application Website: www.blessingapplication.eu and sent to Ms. Miyako Gerova at: europecosmicblessing@gmail.com.

We ensure that the information you’ll provide us on the website will stay confidential. Every 2nd+ Gen Matching Candidate can register on this website, create a personal profile and start uploading documents once they have turned 18 years old. Candidates do NOT need to be matched in order to create a profile. This website will give candidates an overview of their Blessing Application status.

Married Couples:

It is possible to receive the Cosmic Blessing as a Married Couple. Please talk to your national BFD representative or Pastor to receive information on how to receive the Blessing as a Married Couple and how to prepare for it together.