Qualifications for Singles
Qualifications to be completed before starting the Matching Process:
Additional documents for First Generation:
Qualifications to be completed before attending the Cosmic Blessing:
1. Personal and Family Information
Personal and family information provides us with basic information about the Candidate, his or her current studies/occupation and an overview of his or her family.
2. Interview and Confession
It is important that we prepare well internally for the Blessing. Please contact your national Blessed Family Department (BFD) Leader to connect you with someone who can conduct the Blessing interview and Confession. Only a certified person from the BFD can conduct the Interview and Confession.
The Interview and Confession is comprised of two parts:
In the Interview the Candidate will be asked to share:
Their understanding of the value of the Blessing
Their understanding of the tradition of the Parents Matching
If they kept their purity for the Blessing OR
restored their purity through a Special Grace forgiveness ceremony
In the Confession the candidate should share about any regrets or wrong doings in the area of sexuality and also reflect on his or her current lifestyle. The Confession should help the candidate to free themselves from any burden or anything that is weighing them down. Together with the Interviewer, they can decide on certain steps that can be taken in order to change unwanted habits in their lifestyle.
Important information
Please keep in mind that the Interview and Confession should be done before starting a matching process and it is an international requirement to join the International Matching Website.
Education requirements:
3. Level 1: Matching Preparation Workshop
The Level 1 Matching Workshop provides an introduction to the matching tradition of our True Parents and guidelines on how to proceed if the candidate wants to get matched.
The Level 1 workshop is recommended for every 2+ generation 14 years old and older and mandatory for all other candidates.
4. Level 2: Matching and Blessing Preparation Workshop
An official Matching & Blessing Preparation Workshop must be completed before attending the Blessing. The workshop should be completed within the last 2 years before the Blessing. In Europe and the Middle East (EUME), the Blessed Family Department offers a Level 2 Workshop twice a year.
Level 2 workshop consists of 2 parts, where the 1st part is a workshop organised by or in cooperation with BFD EUME, and the 2nd part is on sub-regional or national level where candidates can get to know their local BFD representatives.
All participants to the Level 2 workshop have to be at least 18 years old.
5. Divine Principle Education Workshop
A Divine Principle Education Workshop is a requirement to receive the Blessing. Single day seminars are not accepted. We recommend a 21-day workshop to gain a deeper understanding of True Parents’ teachings and to bring one closer to the heart of God.
Please note that BFD EUME does not organise Divine Principle Education Workshops. We recommend you reach out to your local/national/regional pastor for more information on any upcoming Divine Principle Workshops.
Please check with BFD EUME if a workshop that the candidate has attended fulfils the educational requirements for the Blessing and report the approximate dates of said workshop.
6. 3-day Fast
A 3-day Fast needs to be completed as a condition prior to receiving the Blessing. Please notify your Matching Supporter/ BFD Leader when you plan on starting your fast and once you have completed it, please inform BFD EUME of the dates on which it was carried out.
7. Photographs
Please provide 2 x A4 colour photographs of the candidate: Portrait and Full body, according to the specifications below:
One full body picture (candidate standing)
One portrait picture (head until shoulders)
Photos should be clear, taken indoors against a plain background
Please dress nicely with proper shoes
Please remember that these photos represent you in front of God and True Parents. Therefore, please make sure that they are of good quality.
Please upload pictures in portrait format (not landscape!)
Further recommendations:
You may wish to provide one family picture (recommended, but not mandatory). To ensure that the photos are of a high quality, we also recommend that you take the pictures at a professional photo studio, where possible.
8. Health Statement
Please provide a standard health certificate according to your nation signed by a doctor. Please be assured that the results will remain confidential.
Health problems that need to be mentioned include:
Genetic diseases
Mental illnesses
Conditions that may prevent you from having children (i.e. Sickle Cell Trait,..)
Medication over a longer period of time
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
HIV infection
Health problems that do not need to be mentioned:
Temporary diseases
Broken bones
Near or far-sightedness
09. HIV Test
In addition to the health statement, an HIV test needs to be submitted. This needs to be conducted by a doctor or at a hospital. Please make sure that it is clearly visible on the test that the candidate is HIV negative.
Tip: An HIV test is routinely conducted when donating blood and the result can often be requested. Please check with your local provider.
We would like to assure candidates that the results of the test will remain confidential and will not be shared or published. The test result validity does not expire and does not need to be repeated unless there is reason to suspect that you have been infected.
My Life Story
This form is an introduction to yourself and will be provided by your Matching Supporter.
Please note: This form is only necessary for 1st Generation candidates.
10. Matching Report Form
When holding the commitment ceremony, please make sure to also sign the Matching Report Form. After signing the form, please notify your pastor, your national BFD Leader and submit the form to BFD EUME.
11. Level 3: Blessing Preparation Workshop
BFD EUME will offer a Workshop for all matched couples shortly before attending the Blessing. The workshop will provide guidance about the Blessing and time (or “life”) after the Blessing.
This is a new workshop that we offer online for matched candidates shortly before a Blessing. There are many topics and questions that come up for matched couples approaching a blessing in preparation for the blessing itself as well as married life afterwards. This workshop is a platform to address these specific topics. The level 3 workshop is mandatory to receive the Cosmic Blessing.
If you are already matched and plan to attend the next Blessing, stay up to date with the upcoming Level 3 WS here.
12. Blessing Offering
The Blessing offering is a financial offering to True Parents and Heavenly Parent for receiving the gift of the Blessing. The amount depends on the nation of the candidate. The offering is an important spiritual condition to receive the Blessing. After details such as the amount have been officially announced, they will be communicated directly to the Blessing candidates, once their application has been approved.
Submitting qualifications
First Generation candidates:
Please submit all documents to Mrs. Miyako Gerova at: europecosmicblessing@gmail.com
2nd+ Generation candidates:
All documents should be uploaded to our Blessing Application Website: www.blessingapplication.eu. We ensure that all information you provide us via this website stays confidential.
Every 2+ Gen Matching Candidate should register on this website to upload all necessary documents and have an overview of their Blessing Application status. You don’t need to be matched in order to register. You can create a profile anytime and start working on your qualification.