Overview of BFD EUME Workshops

… for 2nd+ Generation

  • Focus of education is Pure Lifestyle, how to prepare for the Matching, identity of a 2nd plus Gen, Parent-Child relationship and providing guidance for parents in the preparation for the Matching.

    More Info / Registration

    Resources and Guidelines to hold a local workshop

  • This is the main workshop in preparation for the Matching and a requirement to attend the Blessing.

    The theme of the Workshop is Love, Life, Lineage. It should offer a deeper understanding about the Blessing and help candidates to prepare for the Matching.

    More Info / Registration (in Person WS)

    More Info / Registration (Online WS)

    Resources and Guidelines to hold a local workshop

  • This is a new workshop that we offer online for matched couples, shortly before a Cosmic Blessing. We see the necessity of providing certain additional education before the Blessing and to offer the candidates a platform for questions and answers.

    This workshop is only offered on the EUME level.

    More Info / Registration

  • The Workshop is designed for Second Plus Generation who are at least 24 years old and their parents.

    It is tailored for young adults, in this age group, to support them in their process of being matched and Blessed. The program will consist of a mixture of talks, activities and discussions to enable people to get to know each other in a supportive environment.

    More Info / Registration

… for Parents of 2nd+ Generation

… for 1st Generation

  • Focus of education is Pure Lifestyle, how to prepare for the Matching, identity of a 2nd plus Gen, Parent-Child relationship and providing guidance for parents in the preparation for the Matching.

    More Info / Registration

    Resources and Guidelines to hold a local Level 1 Workshop

  • In this Matching & Blessing Preparation WS Level 2 Part 1 we will talk about the meaning of the Blessing and the importance of preparing well for the Matching and the Cosmic Blessing.

    More Info / Registration

  • This is a new workshop that we offer online for matched couples, shortly before a Cosmic Blessing. We see the necessity of providing certain additional education before the Blessing and to offer the candidates a platform for questions and answers.

    More Info / Registration

… for Married Couples

For other events, 1 Day activities, or local initiatives 

You need content, a guideline or help with creating a local/regional BFD Workshop?

You can find guidelines etc. on the Blessed Family Network (only accessible for BFD Staff)