First Generation Matching

Become a Candidate

When are you ready for a relationship? Only you can tell.
Until then, we are here to offer some support and guidance on your journey, and hopefully we can answer all of your questions.

  • The Matching and Blessing is an internal process, it's important to take enough time to prepare your heart and to prepare a foundation that Heavenly Parent can work on. That’s why we strongly recommend offering conditions of devotion and daily prayers.

    Go to the section "Preparing for the Matching" to find out more!

  • Please share and communicate openly with your pastor your desire to prepare for the matching. Your pastor can personally help and assist you in your preparations for the matching.

  • Being part of a community and contributing on a regular basis is a big part of True Parents’ teachings. Our communities can be a great support and strength before and after the Blessing.

    Please talk to your pastor about how you can contribute and help.

  • True Parents are introducing a different culture to our world and following in their footsteps means making a new beginning through changing your lifestyle. We want to be a pure person in body & mind for the matching. Completing the interview and confession will help you to make the right start in this direction.

    More about the Interview and Confession.

  • The Divine Principle is the root of True Parents’ teaching. We want you to understand them well and make them a part of your daily life.

    Please reach out to your national/regional pastor for information on upcoming Divine Principle Workshops.

    *BFD EUME does not organise DP-Workshops

  • Each matching candidate needs a personal Matching Supporter who has been confirmed by their national BFD leader, and who will help them find a suitable partner.

    It is best to choose a Matching Supporter who knows you well and has your best interests at heart. The Matching Supporter will be involved in the introduction process and communicating with other BFD representatives.

    The Matching Supporter will also provide all necessary documents and guide the candidate to fill them out.

    Find a list of possible Matching Supporters here (Login required)

  • Please take time to prepare a profile that represents you well with quality pictures of yourself. It is an important part of the process.

    It gives you a chance to reflect about yourself. The more you share about yourself and your desires and aspirations, the easier it will be for your matching supporter and others to get to know you.

    Ask your Matching Supporter for the necessary forms needed to fill out.

  • The Blessing qualifications are given by our True Parents. They should help you to become ready step by step for the matching and a blessed life. Please understand that we can only accept matching candidates who are fully qualified and have submitted all their documents.

    More about qualifications.

"You will probably want a partner who has a heart as wide as the ocean, right? It is the same for your partner" -

Hak Ja Han Moon (2014)

Before starting to look for a match the candidate must have completed their Blessing qualifications.

Finding the One

  • In order for a matching supporter to search for a suitable match, the candidate needs to register on the international matching website. Please look for a suitable matching supporter before registering on the website. The website offers a wide range of candidates from all over the world. Again, we recommend creating a profile which offers a deep and thoughtful introduction of yourself.

    Here is a step-by-step description on how to register:

    Go to:

    • The candidate personally needs to register

    • The candidate has to fill out all the fields and upload a personal picture

    • Inform the webmaster that you completed the profile

    • The webmaster will check if you fulfil all requirements to be on the website

    • Your profile will be changed to visible

    • Your Matching Supporter will receive an email with the password

    • Your Matching Supporter can search for other candidates

    If you encounter any difficulties contact our webmaster

  • After prayerful consideration of each candidate’s profile and personal history, your Matching Supporter along with the Blessed Family Department staff will arrange an introduction between the two candidates.

  • After being introduced to each other, if both candidates accept the introduction, the 21-Day Communication phase begins. After this first phase of getting to know each other, both candidates can decide if they agree to go further. They then are invited to begin a 7 month ‘Heavenly Courtship’ Phase.

  • In this 7 month period it is important that the couple makes an effort to go deeper in their relationship and share more deeply about the future but also about their current beliefs and desires.

    At the conclusion of this 7 month period they will be contacted if they want to proceed to make a commitment to be matched.

    If they are ready to commit, the next step would be the commitment ceremony.

Commitment Ceremony

After the Candidates have communicated and decided that they want to accept the Matching, they should make their decision official with a Matching or Commitment Ceremony. Please keep in mind that the couple should have met at least once in person before holding the commitment ceremony.

Candidates can also organize it together with the Matching Supporter or community leader.

Please submit the signed matching report form to the BFD and inform your communities.

Here you can find a suggested programme for your commitment ceremony.

-"Happiness is to find a person whom you wish to give and give still more, serve and serve still more, and love and love still more"

- Sun Myung Moon, The Way of God's Will, p 13 (1980)

Relationship as a Matched Couple

It’s important to prepare well for the Blessing as a matched couple. We recommend doing spiritual conditions together and to consciously invite Heavenly Parent into the relationship.

We want to strongly emphasize that the couple maintains a brother and sister relationship during this time. Heavenly Parent is looking forward to giving you the Cosmic Blessing as a couple and to start your relationship from that day on.