


Read from our Parents how it was for them to match their children. Everyone faces different challenges in this task, lets help each other in this new tradition of matching our children.

  • How did you, as parents, prepare yourselves before starting a matching process for your child? And what kind of preparations did you make together with your child?

    For our first child we did not so much preparation, for the second child we went through the Blessing Handbook to understand what were my sons desires and goals. We came to a common understanding. We also did a condition together.

    What tools did you find helpful in your task to find a partner for your child?

    Reading the Family Matching handbook was very helpful but otherwise I just communicated with friends and other leaders to find a good match. I didn’t feel comfortable to put my son’s picture on the website.

    What were the main challenges you experienced when matching your child?

    My first son was matched by True Father and very obedient. My second son was very opinionated and immature at first, so it was difficult to communicate effectively. I found it difficult to decide if he was really ready and also difficult to have patience in him.

    Do you have any advice for parents who are preparing to match their child?

    You need to communicate well. Also I suggest using a Matching Supporter is very helpful because it avoids the emotional baggage that we all have with our own children. Also be patient and make sure they receive lots of education from the official channels so they can understand the importance of the Matching process and the Blessing.

  • Mother of several Children and … she matched successfully and some of them have already children themselves now

    How did you, as parents, prepare yourselves before starting a matching process for your child? And what kind of preparations did you make together with your child?

    We as parents made a 40- day prayer condition as a basis for the whole matching process. At the same time we watched our daughter/son closely in her/his final high school examinations and finding the right study course for her/him. So that her/his head would be free for finding a partner.

    In the same time period we went together to three different blessing workshops (one in English language, two in German language).

    What tools did you find helpful in your task to find a partner for your child?

    Attending our first PMC in Europe was very helpful, especially the testimonies of other parents and the international atmosphere of the event.

    There was so much information that there was hardly any time for finding a partner. But we went again and then there was more time as the lectures were already familiar and the head was free for looking for a profile.

    The international Matching Website is very helpful, once you get used to using it in the right way. Sometimes I wished for a better introduction of using it. We as parents are the older generation and not necessarily familiar to use the computer programs efficiently.

    Getting help from a matching supporter gave some hope not to give up! And reading the Family Matching Handbook (US) was really helpful, as to read a book is easy and you can study it, whenever there is time to do it. There were many questions, I did not think about myself.

    Other tools I used was that had a look at the birth horoscope. Just to get some basic orientation about the question, if the characters would fit.

    What were the main challenges you experienced when matching your child?

    My main challenge was to overcome my own attitude of being too proud of asking others, what they would think about my child. Not fulfill the own dreams and goals, but to really look, what is best for my son or daughter. It was like learning to look through their lenses.

    Do you have any advice for parents who are preparing to match their child?

    Not to give up so easily. The process needs to be shared among the parents (father and mother) and to find the same point of view is sometimes really challenging. Talking with other parents, how they did the matching was very helpful. Also to use the own network in the community or of the nation was helpful to us as parents. We as 1st Generation have friends abroad and we can ask their advice as well. There is always the option that they know someone? I regret not having that done enough. Unfortunately we kept looking for a partner for our children too much to ourselves. This I would do differently nowadays.

  • How did you, as parents, prepare yourselves before starting a matching process for your child? And what kind of preparations did you make together with your child?

    One of the most important preparations was to attend a Blessing workshop with my child. This helped us also to communicate well about expectations, wishes and needs.

    We as parents also made prayer conditions and spoke often with our child.

    What tools did you find helpful in your task to find a partner for your child?

    We attended several Parents Matching Convocations and a Blessing Preparation Workshop together. We used the international websites (http://www.blessing4u.org) and read information on the European website http://www.bfedeu.org We referred to the Family Matching Handbook (US) at times

    What were the main challenges you experienced when matching your child?

    The first challenge was to find a candidate we felt good about. Twice this happened in unexpected ways and not over the website although that was the method we planned to use.

    A great challenge was after we had chosen someone and felt this could be a good potential match, not to put pressure on our child to accept our suggestion just because we had a good feeling and hoped it would work out. We noticed the children feel pressure from our expectation and hope and don’t want to disappoint, wanting to please their parents. We found it is however of utmost importance that the children feel good with the match not us! And it is important to reassure the candidates that it is ok to say no, Not too easily throwing away an opportunity but if after sincere effort they feel no then they should have the space to be able to say that.

    Do you have any advice for parents who are preparing to match their child?

    Don’t try to rush it, don’t be disappointed if it doesn’t work out right away. Pray for God’s guidance and believe in your child’s wisdom.

    We also always talk to the parents over Skype before introducing the children to get a feeling for the family

  • How did you, as parents, prepare yourselves before starting a matching process for your child? And what kind of preparations did you make together with your child?

    When our children expressed that they were thinking about matching, we decided on some conditions that we (father, mother and child) could do together every evening. Usually we chose a short prayer condition plus a reading condition using a variety of books on topics related to matching and Blessing. We usually started with the “Family Matching Handbook” and then True Fathers speeches, but we also read other books, such as: “Real Love in Marriage”. We continued with this condition for about a year or until the time when our child felt he/she understood enough and was willing for us to start searching for a partner.

    During this time, either my husband or I, would attend a Blessing Preparation workshop together with our child.

    As a couple, we came to realize how much our relationship influences the view our children have towards the Blessing and married life. So we also felt pushed to develop and go forward in our own relationship.

    We tried also to spend some extra “quality time” with our child – going out for a walk or to a coffee shop together so we could talk more deeply.

    What tools did you find helpful in your task to find a partner for your child?

    It was useful to attend the PMC so that we could understand the different methods to search for a partner and to give us the confidence to start. It was also useful to hear the testimonies of other parents.

    Attending the Blessing Preparation workshop together with our child gave us a better foundation to discuss matching with them.

    The international matching websites are helpful, however in the end we only used it for one of our children.

    What were the main challenges you experienced when matching your child?

    For us it was not so difficult to find a partner but it was challenging to guide them through the process. If problems came up (for example: the child had doubts etc.) we, as parents, tried to keep a vertical and positive attitude and not be influenced by negative thinking.

    It is very easy for the two candidates to get too close to one another during the matching process, therefore it is important to be able to motivate and support them to maintain a brother-sister relationship until the time of the Blessing Ceremony.

    Do you have any advice for parents who are preparing to match their child?

    It is not an easy task to match your child. Although God is with us, we still meet many challenges and situations that will stretch our hearts.

    As parents we are very eager to see our child matched and Blessed, however we must be sure that he/she is really ready and mature enough to take on the responsibility of becoming a couple.

    It is not always that your child understands what kind of person would be good for them. First impressions are not always correct. Encourage your child to look at a possible candidate from God’s viewpoint and to understand what God wants for them. Many candidates are looking for “the person that will fulfill my dreams and make me happy”, instead of trying to become “the person who will fulfill my partners dreams and make him/her happy”.

Read through testimonies of other 1st Generation Members who got matched. It might help you in your own process.

  • Female, Blessed 2020, matched for 2 years before being Blessed, first Generation

    Since the first moment I heard about the Blessing I was so amazed by it, and at the same time I thought that this is a very high ideal, so I need to prepare myself very well. I started to do conditions of devotion all the time (so many different offerings), and doing mission in the Center, studying DP every day and giving lectures. It was a great help to live together with brothers and sisters because I could learn and overcome many things in my character in relationship to them. I now understand that this was a good experience to help me understand and make a better relationship with my future husband.

    My parents were supportive towards the movement and because of this they tried to support my decision to apply for the Blessing. I also shared with them how it was going with my application. However, this situation changed from the moment when I received the name of my match. After that many things became difficult, because the brother suggested as my match was almost completely the opposite of what my parents were expecting. After the matching I offered conditions continuously together with the brother that I was matched with. This helped my family. I also shared more honestly and sincerely with my mother about my desire to attend True Parents and to create a good family through this matching.

    During the matching process the situation in my family was not an easy one. Now we are trying to maintain a healthy good relationship with them. This process helped both sides to grow our hearts, change our concepts and accept each other.

    It is a little bit difficult question for me to answer because it took a lot of time to decide. It was not an easy process for me. My family’s reaction to my matching affected me a lot, and there was a point when I found myself having the same expectations as my family. But on the other side, I had promised Heavenly Parent that I would accept the person that gave me. In my prayers I said to God that I wanted just one person in my life, the one that he would choose for me and that I would believe 100% that he is the right one. When difficulties started to arise, I found myself shaking in my promise to God, but God was showing me that promise over and over again through my prayers, my devotions and my dreams. Because of the attitude and support of the brother I was matched with, I felt that God sometimes gives us what we need not what we want.

    I wished that I could have worked much more in developing my relationships with people, to embrace them, challenge my concepts and expectations, and make the ideal of Blessing more practical.

  • Pedro and Veronika were introduced to each other and Blessed in 2012. Pedro is a Jacob child whose parents were Blessed when he was 4 years old, began serious spiritual devotion in 2006 when he was 18 years old and applied for the matching in October 2009. He went through introductions twice, including a ‘heavenly courtship’ which lasted 6 months in 2010 – 2011. Veronika joined CARP in Czech Republic during 2006 and applied for the matching in September 2010. This was her first introduction. I remember how serious Pedro was during their courtship and the 40 days of separation after the Blessing to read True Father’s speeches as a way to prepare for their life together.


    I was very serious when preparing for matching and I tried to set up many meaningful conditions that would be at the same time good for my personal development. It took me some time to even decide for it, so after I decided I was trying to use everything that came as an opportunity to prepare myself for my future partner. After one and half years of waiting it came and it was intense. I felt connected with Pedro somehow from the beginning. When we were introduced, I was so nervous and emotional. We were at a European-wide meeting and were introduced very soon after seeing each other’s profiles. Still when I think back, I remember that it was for me like a miracle to meet Pedro, our lives and personalities were in some way sooo similar, but at the same time different… .After a few days of skype meetings I felt that I am sure about going for matching with Pedro. It was very romantic time skyping with Pedro. And now we are living together in Prague and we went through many ups and downs already, but I can see that it makes our relationship stronger and represents the first building blocks of our blessed family life. Even it is not always easy, I really love Pedro and feel strongly that he is huge blessing given to me for which I am very grateful to God.


    My preparation for matching was done mostly through prayer but also through the development of my qualities so that I could be a good partner. Being introduced was a beautiful and intense experience, it seemed like we had known each other for a long time. During our 21 day “Heavenly Courtship” period, we communicated mostly through skype and email and now we are living in Prague and working with CARP, we love each other very much and we hope to bring an exemplary family in the future.

  • Jozsef O. and Hajnalka C.

    In February 2011 the Hungarian NL, Tibor K. recommended Joseph, and sent me the advocate’s page, including this explanation, “he was a soldier in Iraq 1.5 years and for more than half a year his unit was lost in the war and cut off from their HQ; they had to survive by themselves during that time. After Iraq he started to work and since that time has been an official bodyguard here in Hungary, protecting the very high level political leaders and other famous pop musicians and religious leaders who visited Hungary.

    He was blessed in 1995 but soon after his Blessing, his visa expired and the Romanian government did not extend it for him. So he could not leave Romania officially for 2 years. During this time his fiancée gave up the Blessing. A few years later he could get a visa and managed his settlement in Hungary and now he is a Hungarian citizen.

    In 2006 he had a car accident (he was passenger in the car) and for one and a half weeks was in a Coma; being on a breathing apparatus for 18 months after which it took several years to recover his health.

    Jozsef did not have contact with the UC in Hungary for 8 years. But he kept his Blessed position and purity. Jozsef understood at the beginning of 2010, when he was praying to God for help and guidance for his life, that God was calling him. And a few months later Ms. Hajnalka Csondor witnessed him and this was God’s answer for him. Since that time he attended the church and True Parents regularly.”

    I met Hajni in 2006 when Ashley and I visited Hungary for a couples’ seminar; she regularly witnessed with the Hungarian members, and served the families in various ways, even though her own Blessing relationship broke down in tragic ways in the early 2000’s. She courageously kept going with love and faith. One day in 2010 Hajni saw Joszef in the city square, remembering him from earlier days, and invited him to come to their ‘Peace House’; he rejoined the FFWPU. About a year later the Hungarian National Leader and BFD Rep. recommended to me that they would make a beautiful couple, so we ‘prayed over it’ and decided to introduce them. A few months ago they sent me the above beautiful photograph with their baby son!

  • Let me tell you a little bit about our couple: My name is Christina and my spouse is called Toshiki. My spouse and I were born 8 months apart, but over 6,000km away from each other. He is from Japan and I am from Russia. We have different backgrounds, traditions, cultures and languages. Also, very different personalities and ways of thinking. What unites us is our common dream to create a happy God-centered family that will contribute to realizing the vision of “One Family Under God”. We both came to Korea, at different times, to start our education at Sun Moon University. He is studying Theology, and I am majoring in Media Communication. Since we do not share a common native language, we thought that the official language of our coupe should be the language of Cheong In Guk – Korean. Therefore, from now it will be our task to practice the language, culture and traditions of CIG in our family.

    My parents received the Blessing when I was a baby so I grew up surrounded by God’s love coming from my loving parents and older brothers. For me it was obvious that one day I would receive the Blessing and create a happy family. As I was making those steps in my life of faith, searching for answers and creating my personal relationships with God and TP, God was revealing more His unconditional love towards me. It helped me to discover my true value and gain confidence. Step by step, I got to understand more about God and his sorrow and pain due to the Fall. It made me become more determined to create a family that God would love to dwell in. Once, I listened to Yeon Ah Nim’s speech and she said that “If we are not blessed, we are still in satan’s dominion. Only when we receive the Blessing, God can truly call us: my son, my daughter”. Since then, receiving the Blessing and offering it to Heavenly Parent, for the occasion of vision 2020, became my dream. After finishing my one year leadership training program, I finally applied for the Blessing. When I was preparing for the matching, filling out forms, making conditions etc, I was praying to invite God into everything I did. He is the one who gave me my life and guided me through it, so in this extremely important and exciting time in my life I wanted Heavenly Parent to share what I was feeling. When I first got the profile of my future spouse, I was very nervous and little bit scared. But as I was reading it, my feelings changed to gratitude: God entrusts me with His precious son. A few days after our first meeting we went back to our countries and started doing condition after condition. It was a very special time that helped us to look deeper into ourselves and our relationship with God, meet limitations and have new determination. To be honest it wasn’t always easy. There were moments when I felt that I was loosing confidence and hesitating. But one day, at the end of my deep prayer, everything suddenly became clear for me and I made a decision.

    After our first meeting, and before the Blessing, we met three times. A few days before the Blessing we met with each other’s parents. It was a very special time. Our parents could not understand each other without our translation. I realized that, when our hearts are sincere, there is no need for words. Talking about my personal experience during Blessing preparation workshop and the Blessing ceremony itself, it is hard to put in words what I was feeling. First of all, I felt gratitude. As we began the Holy wine ceremony, tears started falling down my face. We are standing here in front of True Parents and they are holding our hands. We receive this special grace, not somebody else. During True Mother’s prayer on the day of the Blessing, we promised God that we will accomplish our responsibilities as a blessed family and next time will come in front of True Mother with a report of our victories. This is just the beginning of our journey on which we will be growing up together, learning to resemble God by becoming one centered on True love. I believe together we can do great things for God and True Parents. Aju!

Read through testimonies of other 2nd+ Generation Children who got matched by their parents. It might help you in your own process or in the relationship with your parents.

  • Female, Blessed 2018, matched a year before being Blessed

    What did you do to prepare yourself internally before starting the matching process and during the matching process?

    From my late teenage years I felt that I wanted to get matched around the time I finished my bachelor studies. The reason for this was that I thought that would be helpful in case I decided to move to my future husband’s country and find a job there. So I made sure my parents were aware of this.

    To grow my heart and prepare myself to be ready to commit myself to someone I did a 7-day fast condition. My parents later on expressed when they thought I was ready, and once I agreed and said “Yes, I think I am ready too”, then we started a prayer condition together. We used the prayer condition to ask God to help my parents and I to prepare our hearts to find a person I could share my life with.

    Both prior to the matching process and during the process itself I communicated regularly with my parents about my feelings and thoughts related to the matching. I also spent time reading HDH material on the Blessing and relationship books such as “Real Love” by Greg Baer to make sure I myself felt the value of committing myself to the Blessing and a marriage relationship.

    What were some challenges you faced in communicating with your parents during the matching process and what specific actions did you take to overcome these challenges?

    Having grown up with 4 other siblings I did not often have one-on-one time to talk with my parents. I therefore had to become more accustomed to asking them for time to talk and share my thoughts. To make it easier and less pressured to share my thoughts and feelings with my parents, we started off reading a relationship book (Real Love by Greg Baer) and discussed the content together. This made talking about expectations and feelings related to the Blessing feel very natural.

    How has the matching process impacted your relationship with your parents overall?

    I feel very grateful for the time my parents took to attentively listen to my thoughts and feelings during the matching process. I have therefore become much more able to talk one-to-one with my parents about sensitive topics such as challenges I am going through or worries I have for the future.

    How did you ultimately decide that this is the person you wanted to be matched to?

    This felt like a big, difficult decision for me. 3 months into the matching process I was doing a 40 day condition of praying and bowing and I had some expectations in mind that God would soon give me some kind of sign during this time. At the same time, the matching process was moving smoothly forward and I was getting to know my prospective match better and better. So my parents told me I shouldn’t worry because maybe the smoothness of the process could already be a sign in itself.

    What I was seeking to find out through the matching process was not only to understand if we got along well, but also to see if the other person had a desire to grow spiritually throughout their life with me. In my family our main spiritual activity which has shaped me today was to read and discuss HDH together. A couple of months into the matching process I therefore asked my prospective match if he wanted to join me in reading HDH together once a week and share our thoughts about the content….

    Is there something you wish you had known, or worked on more, before entering the matching process?

    I wish I was more aware of how short a time it takes to come to like a person you are in a matching process with. Especially as one spends a lot of time talking about one’s deepest values and life goals. It therefore became important to me to keep a clear list of what I wanted to get to know about the other person as well as to continually reflect with God and my parents to seek advice and find out if this was a person whom I could be really committed to share both the most challenging and the happiest times of my life with. However, I was maybe not so aware of my prospective match’s point of view and how he might have developed a feeling of closeness with me. Most importantly, I think you have to be very careful you do not hurt the other’s feelings if something difficult comes up during the process. Especially when it comes to sensitive topics, for example realising something about a prospective match which comes as a surprise as you did not think they were “that kind of person”.

  • Male, Blessed 2018, matched a year before being Blessed

    What did you do to prepare yourself internally before starting the matching process and during the matching process?

    I was thinking a lot about how I could be prepared during the matching process. I read several books on understanding women and was reading True Parents words about the blessing. One book especially was, For Men Only. There is also the counterpart ‘For Women Only’ that women can read. It explained a lot about what women need and why that is; and explained in a way that men could understand. This was very helpful to me.

    What were some challenges you faced in communicating with your parents during the matching process and what specific actions did you take to overcome these challenges?

    Communicating with my parents didn’t feel like a challenge. I trust them and felt comfortable for them to find someone for me. I suppose I gave minimal requests; I asked for someone in Europe, just so that living together would be more convenient.

    How did you ultimately decide that this is the person you wanted to be matched to?

    During our matching process we were serious about each other and very curious too. At first we emailed each other and asked many questions about what we believed. What does True Parents mean to you? What things in the Unification Movement are important to you, which traditions? What is the relationship with your parents and siblings? Where do you see your faith going? Do you want to be a contributor to the Unification Movement? We asked a lot of questions and slowly I felt very connected and comfortable with her. At the same time we read a lot of True Parents words, once a week, and then we emailed each other our thoughts after reading it. I felt very at ease sharing my feelings with her than other people and as a result of our questions and answers I felt very comfortable being around her. This led me to feel she was the right one for me.

    Is there something you wish you had known, or worked on more, before entering the matching process?

    I feel this is the question I can write most about. There are so many things that are new after being matched and blessed which really made me think “Gosh, how I get my head around this?”. One thing was to be in touch with feelings. What I didn’t know is that women need to know how you feel, and a lot of the time. This was a challenge. How do I feel? In the beginning I said I’m not thinking about anything or feeling anything. But later, I wanted to discover more about and learn to express my feelings to her. I feel that what I wish I had worked on more was to share my feelings with my parents and siblings, so that it would be easier now with my wife.

    I also wish I had known that once you are matched you are not brother and sister. This should be emphasized because I thought I shouldn’t have any romantic feelings and so I tried to suppress them, which is not so healthy. Actually when you are matched you are an engaged couple which is very different to brother and sister. Once becoming an engaged couple I think it’s important to discuss your relationship in ways that you couldn’t prior to being matched.

  • Female, Blessed 2017, matched for 2 years before getting Blessed

    What did you do to prepare yourself internally before starting the matching process and during the matching process?

    I read as much as I could on matching, be that guidance and testimonies. Being the nerd that I am, I needed to know as much as possible to feel like I was considering all the aspects of it. I talked to matched friends about it, to my older brother who was already Blessed, I “talked” to myself about it by keeping a journal. I did several praying/bowing/fasting conditions since I decided to put myself on the website. That helped me feeling like I was actively doing something towards it. I talked to my dad about it, which is not the easiest thing for us, so I asked him to join me in a prayer condition. During the process I did some crazy 40 min prayer conditions before every skype call we had. It helped me calm myself and keep the focus on the important things, by trying to catch God’s perspective on things.

    What were some challenges you faced in communicating with your parents during the matching process and what specific actions did you take to overcome these challenges?

    My mother is in the Spirit World, so including her and communicating with her was a challenge. Praying helped. I imagined her listening and being there. I think she is. The issue in talking to my dad was the awkwardness, and feeling that he seemed to take everything so lightly, with so much faith and positivity, while I was an emotional ball. We tried to be as open as possible about it and that helped, as well as doing a prayer condition together.

    How has the matching process impacted your relationship with your parents overall?

    It has improved it a lot, it made it easier to talk about other things too. Even though they have obviously done so much for me before the matching, that was the first clear step we took together in my life. I feel so grateful, and they seem invested in our couple.

    How did you ultimately decide that this is the person you wanted to be matched to?

    Externally: did a fasting and praying condition and got away from everyone but Heavenly Parent (HP) to make this decision. Internally: I felt that HP had put this person in front of me, offered us each other, and was not pushing or pressing for a particular decision. I felt that HP was going to accept and support either choice of mine, because somehow both would have worked out fine. So I accepted it, because the person had not given me any reason to say no, and I felt that we could make it work.

    Is there something you wish you had known, or worked on more, before entering the matching process?

    I wish I had been aware of the challenge of being myself in a matching process, instead of wanting to please others (not with my partner but with his family). Also of the realistic consequences of an international matching and Blessing. I wish we had discussed more the delicate topics that should be discussed during the process, in a place of trust and honesty.

  • Male, Blessed 2017, matched for 2 years before getting Blessed

    What did you do to prepare yourself internally before starting the matching process and during the matching process?

    I had done prayers and talked to my parents a lot.

    What were some challenges you faced in communicating with your parents during the matching process and what specific actions did you take to overcome these challenges?

    The issue was that I went through more than one matching process and my parents talked to others about it. That caused some issues since people were talking to me about my processes which had already ended. When I realised what was happening I specifically told my parents not to share anything about my matching without before conferring with me, no matter how excited they might be about it.

    How has the matching process impacted your relationship with your parents overall?

    I’d say it helped me learn a lot about my parents, but it has also helped them learn a lot about us. I was the first one to get matched in our family and they had a fair bit to learn. But it actually improved my relationship with them. We talk about more things nowadays as a result of it.

    How did you ultimately decide that this is the person you wanted to be matched to?

    She gave me no reason to say no. And it felt like Heavenly Parent wanted us to be together.

    Is there something you wish you had known, or worked on more, before entering the matching process?

    Honest communication. Being truly honest and open in communication with myself and my partner early on would have saved us a lot of pain and misunderstandings.

  • Male, Blessed 2020, matched for 2 years

    The way to the Blessing has been a real journey for me, a journey into my spirit and a discovery of my character. I am referring to the process that led my spouse and I – first of all to be matched – and then to find sincerity and harmony in our relationship, before going to the Blessing. At times things have been difficult, sometimes very difficult. But one of the things that helped us to break through was trying and investing, with the belief that God was behind what we were trying to build. Solutions came when we had the difficult conversations that made us honestly communicate about the issues between us. That is when we started to truly embrace and understand each other.

    The families we come from are quite different in many ways and so we have grown up differently. Also, the way we expressed ourselves was quite different, with me being the less expressive one. This made it difficult for me to communicate with her. With patience and understanding, we were able to solve these issues. I am very grateful that my spouse was able to listen to my unexpressed needs, which I know was not easy.

    Our matching process before the Blessing was relatively long (the process began two years before the Blessing). We decided that we would not hold hands, because I personally felt that was something that would have created a stronger bond that I didn’t want to experience before the Blessing. Instead, we managed to reach a good internal connection as I explained before. And after the Blessing, experiencing being together, without any constraint (because from then on we would have been married) was for me a way to fully express my heart and how much I loved my spouse. The earliest days of our Blessing, just holding hands was such a thrilling experience for me! I am glad we decided to save this experience for our married life.

    The Blessing event was a very joyful moment. We, as a couple, had the chance to be one of the representative couples that received the Blessing rings from our True Mother. Being there on stage, my mind was very focused on doing things right (walking correctly, bowing properly, etc.). So, I could not experience the moment we received the rings from our True Mother as very special. But I have to say that I did have a moment on stage when I became emotional. Before the Ring Ceremony, we were standing before True Mother and I looked at the “representative ring couple” from America. The husband was a friend of mine with whom I had spent meaningful time in Cheong Pyeong some years before. Being together with him at this ceremony, and especially coming together before True Parents, felt very special and I was moved. It is such a great thing that in our movement we celebrate marriage all together. We are one family.

    After the Blessing we spent some days in Seoul, visiting places, meeting other newly Blessed couples and creating our first memories as Blessed couple. I am aware that we are just at the beginning and married life will bring more and more joys and challenges. We are confident that through trust, good communication and God’s presence, we can create an ever-growing loving relationship that manifests God’s ideal on earth.

  • Male, Blessed 2018, matched 6 months before the Blessing

    What did you do to prepare yourself internally before starting the matching process and during the matching process?

    I started to consciously prepare for matching and blessing in my late teens, two years before I told my parents I was ready for matching and several years before I actually received the Blessing. What sparked the initial phase of preparation was my realization that I was not ready – but wanted to be ready to be a good husband. I didn’t even think about matching and Blessing so much as growing and maturing during that time. I was working to connect more deeply to God through prayer and through studying the Principle and True Parents’ words and heart. This naturally led me to serve and take responsibility in different parts of our movement – especially the youth work. In hindsight, this was probably the most valuable preparation for my heart with regard to blessed life. Having learned to embrace and serve others as well as to prioritize their needs over my own has been sooo important in my relationship with my wife.

    I ended up going through several unsuccessful matching processes before being blessed with my wonderful wife. During each process I spent a lot of time praying sincerely so that I would be able to see from God’s point of view instead of a humanistic point of view. Even when things didn’t turn out well in a matching process, prayer helped me to keep going and believing that the right person was out there waiting. (She was.)

    At some point I determined to do a special condition of 40 bows and a 7-minute prayer every day until the day I received the Blessing. I kept doing it and not long after started communication with my wife-to-be. After we were officially matched, she also joined this condition and we did it together until the day of the Blessing. Due to practical challenges we swapped the 40 bows to 12-minutes of HDH-reading which was valuable as we always discussed what we had read and got deep insights into each other’s heart and thoughts.

    What were some challenges you faced in communicating with your parents during the matching process and what specific actions did you take to overcome these challenges?

    I had a good relationship with my mother so I felt free to talk with her about all my thoughts and feelings. Talking with my father felt more uncomfortable since he had never shared about his deep feelings and such personal thoughts as I was now supposed to share with him. In the end my communication was closer with my mother but I still put in the effort to share my thoughts and feelings with my father bit by bit as well.

    How has the matching process impacted your relationship with your parents overall?

    My parents did get to know my heart and thoughts quite well. I was moved by how they really listened to me, never tried to forcibly push things on me and always, always were “on my side” – not concerning about their own image or dignity but wholeheartedly seeking what is best for my future.

    How did you ultimately decide that this is the person you wanted to be matched to?

    I had enormous respect for her, for the kind of person she was and still is. Also without meaning to, she said and did many things that moved me deeply. I felt I could trust her fully.

    Is there something you wish you had known, or worked on more, before entering the matching process?

    I wish I had known in the very beginning that it isn’t necessarily bad that a matching process does not work out. It is not good to over-excitedly rush in but better to enter with a peaceful mind and take your time to find out if it is a good match. Be hopeful but not naïve.

    Of course I wish I had worked on my daily habits even more. I can no longer afford to be lazy in things that I was before.

    Anything else you want to share?

    Don’t give up. Things don’t always go as smoothly and easily as we imagine. Yet even great difficulties can be such a valuable time of growth and preparation. The treasure is waiting at the end. And it will be worth it.

    Although God has a plan for the world and the great turns of the providence, He also has a plan for your joy and happiness. Trust Him and do your best to move forward.

Read Testimonies from 2nd+ Generation Children who got matched being older than 24. A lot of good advice that can helpful during the time of the matching process.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    My parents not having a wide range of contacts worldwide. We’re quite isolated in our region and it difficult for parents to know how to reach out to other communities, other than the website (which doesn’t work for everyone). Also, it isn’t easy to have the thoughts that “there’s no-one my age left!!” – battling these thoughts and persevering through them was actually the most difficult part.

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    To take up new experiences and opportunities that weren’t related to getting matched per se, but I broadened my experience with the communities in other regions. I came to the DONE programme as a staff member and met new people that way. Also I strengthened some relationships with advisor figures from Europe who my parents could then work with to find a suggestion for a match. I continued to communicate with my parents and they expressed that they were happy with me being more active in the process. This gave me a bit more confidence to sense whether God was working through me and that he could work through me – instead of solely relying on my parents’ inspiration.

    What would you have done differently/what would you advise others not to do?

    Do not be hasty for the sake of hurrying the process. I was on the website and although I felt somehow I wasn’t resonating with it, I tried to commit myself to that process. When it came to suggestions from the website I felt I had to respond with a “yes” because it may be my last chance, even if I felt huge hesitancies and was actually quite uncomfortable. It helped to communicate with my parents about this and in the end I didn’t go through with them and trusted my intuition instead. I was glad I didn’t just go against my judgment and try to do the “right thing”.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    To trust that God can work through people in your life and also that God is within us and wants to work with us. As long as we can check our motivation, we shouldn’t doubt that we can have a good sense and make good judgments. However, it is important to communicate these and not develop them on our own. I feel, especially as I got older, that I can have good intuitions and that I should feel confident that they are coming from a good place.

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    Don’t give up! It really is a battle of the mind as you get older. As long as you can assert yourself mentally and spiritually and set your intentions to God and the universe, somehow there comes a response. Don’t expect miracles either, but take each situation as a learning experience and actively reflect on how even the toughest processes are delivering you gems to keep for life. Most of all, don’t compare. It’s easy to observe others, especially those younger than you, and form all sorts of comparisons that really don’t help. Take the time to talk to others and hear about their experiences to learn from them, but not to the extent that it makes you feel less about your own experience. You never know the reason why it takes longer for some people, but in my experience, later was the right timing. If I had rushed it earlier, I know I wouldn’t have the same outcome. So I’m grateful for that time of waiting.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    There is this belief in the church (which differs from the so-called “outside” world) that when you turn 25, you’re too “old” to get blessed, therefore you have to rush into finding a spouse, be less picky and more realistic, since there are less options available (especially if you’re a sister). My Blessing broke at the age of 26, and because of this social stigma that I described, my parents tried to push me into get blessed again as soon as possible without considering that I needed some time to heal from my previous relationship.

    Another challenge I had to face whilst getting matched was that many guys who were either older or my same age were too hurt from their previous relationships or too negative about the church. The third challenge I had to face was the comparison with my BC friends who were younger and already had spouses, jobs, their own apartment – and even children. I remember going to several baby showers and housewarming parties with a heavy heart.

    The fourth challenge was the frustration of not finding the “right” person for me, after one failed Blessing and five matching attempts, I felt like a loser, like a person who wasn’t good enough for anyone to love me back.

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    First of all, I put aside the social stigma of women having to marry an older guy. I started looking for candidates who were younger than me and there were more options and less pressure to choose “whoever”.

    Second, to stop feeling sorry for myself and stop comparing myself to others. I decided to work on my self esteem, so I went to a therapist I found trustworthy enough.

    Third, to put aside unrealistic expectations from my parents and from me, because all those failed matching attempts were the result of trying to please my parents’ or my own expectations. After having my fifth matching attempt, I told my parents that I wanted some time out and I wanted to do a family condition together for 40 days before contacting anyone else. I was doing conditions on my own before, but I realised a family prayer would be more powerful and effective. I took my past experiences not as failures but as wisdom gems, as lessons that could prepare me to become a better person and a better spouse, so I let go of the pain.

    Soon after the family condition and through the help of a “fairy godmother” named Patrick Hanna, I found my spouse. The fourth decision, which is actually the most important one, was to stop trying to please others and start thinking of what I really wanted: what were my ideals and values about love, family, the church, etc. and try to find someone who is on the same page or as passionate about those ideals and values as I am. So my spouse and I, we didn’t “click” at first but we shared the same common ground, and gradually we fell in love with each other.

    What would you have done differently and would you advise others not to do?

    I would have tried to be less pessimistic and to understand that a relationship is not about pleasing someone or being someone’s puppet, but to actually create something between the two of you. So I would have been more clear with my parents about what I really wanted and how I really wanted it to be handled, instead of just “obeying” them and therefore coming to resent them.

    This ‘people-pleasing’ mindset also wasn’t positive for my matching process and even my current relationship. I you’re like me, I would advise not to try to please everyone because it doesn’t build a solid companionship or relationship. I would also advise to find someone who shares your ideals rather than someone who merely attracts you, because for me, the aim shouldn’t be about just being happy, but to find purpose in your life and create an everlasting, meaningful companionship. I also think I could have worked on my self esteem issues earlier, instead of ignoring them or giving them less importance.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    I’ve learned not to judge or make premature assumptions of the other person, of his profile picture, his age, his family name, his nationality or base one’s opinion on first impressions. Also it’s important to ask all the essential questions as soon as possible instead of spending several months of small talk just to see if you both “click”; no one is going to die if you don’t know the other candidate’s favourite colour! Moreover, I would encourage people to ask the most obvious questions: Do you believe in God? Do you go to Sunday service? Do you want children? See if you are both on the same page about the most essential things. I have seen couples splitting up because they skipped this part in their initial process and when they found out, it was too late. As a side note, I would also figure out if the person suffers from any addictions and whether he/she is working on them or just letting time pass.

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    First and foremost: be patient and relentless. Second: take the initiative to get matched rather than rely solely on his/her parents/friends/BFD staff. If the Blessing is something you deeply care about and your parents are aging and they don’t even know how to send emails, then I think it’s about time (to get involved). Third: do not be ashamed to ask for support from friends/family and BFD staff. I actually helped a 30 year-old BC to meet her spouse, and I feel I didn’t just do the right thing, but I gained two friends in the process. As a side note, putting yourself on the website might seem humiliating, but I think it’s really brave and in particular it shows both transparency and availability – that there is nothing “fishy” about you. Fourth: be open-minded, because the older you get, the less flexible you become and maybe the love of your life is not meant to be, say, a European or White/Caucasian. My final advice for any person of any age who wants to get blessed is to ask yourself the questions: Why do I want to get blessed? Why do I want a spouse? What kind of family do I want to have? What kind of life do I want to live? When I envision my future, is God in the picture? Be as specific as possible. If the answers are clear, you’ll save yourself a lot of heartaches.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    Dealing with the social pressure. Firstly from my parents who for three years were looking for a matching without succeeding. Secondly from my peers – most of them were already in a relationship;0 this made me feel that I was stuck and that I had less value than others. I felt the process of getting matched was quite limited and frustrating, my character wants to get things done quickly! I tried to find someone in many ways but without success. I felt that I had to try, because I don’t believe that waiting (and doing nothing) is the answer.

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    One of the key decisions was to tell to myself that was all right. It’s fine to be single, and my life is so precious! Regardless of what society tells us about what is normal or not normal, I am free to choose, I am free to love.

    What would you have done differently/what misjudgements or mistakes would you advise not to do?

    Instead of focusing so much on finding someone, I should have focused on being my best self!

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    I have learned that I should love myself more. I should respect myself, that’s the only way we can love another person.

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    I would say, ‘Be your best self’. Set your heart free from any pressure or possessive feelings; love is free. That said, practical details do matter.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    The challenges were on several levels. On the one hand, it was my own character. For myself, True Parents’ matching was much more easy or comfortable, because I would not need to come up with so much energy to get to know again and again a new person. With True Parents’ matching you get given your match and then you start investing in this relationship. Of course there is the possibility that things might get difficult, but I think Parents Matching doesn´t differ that much in this aspect. Although in this process it was difficult for me to open up again and again (to suggested matches), I could work at overcoming this weakness that I have. Now I can more easily connect with other people.

    On the other hand, it found it difficult because every person, whether they are conscious of it or not, has certain ideas about his or her own future partner or son-in-law or daughter-in-law. So parents and their children limit themselves by not being open enough.

    Lastly, it is a matter of idealistic versus realistic thinking. I went originally to True Parents’ matching. I was pretty much aware of myself, and that I was ready to accept a partner I had never met before. I did not have many concepts about how needs to be, etc. When I met her, I wasn´t immediately hooked, but it didn´t really take long to overcome my false thinking and to start building up a relationship with her (unfortunately it did not develop well…).

    Then with parents’ matching I wanted to have the same attitude, but I maybe I restricted myself too much? Back then I had the attitude that I can deal with certain characters, no matter how difficult it may be for me, that I will do my best to love my spouse. But during all the matching processes, I sank down by having this attitude: too much frustration, too much disappointment. So I had to take a break and “deal” with my attitude, I took time to analyze how it came to this point, to find a solution and then continue.

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    For certain issues, you have not much influence. Every person has his or her strong points and weak points. In Germany there is a saying: “No master ever fell from the sky”, which means you always start at the bottom and if you make effort, you can develop. So even if you have a weak point, you can work on this weak point. Maybe you will never be as good as someone who is talented in a certain field, but you might reach a level which can be considered good. Everything else is just an excuse. So try again and again and try to keep the right attitude. Try to meet every person in the matching process, without pre-judging. Give him or her a chance. You never know how it will go. I tried to give the other person as much input about myself as possible. This means you might make yourself more vulnerable, but afterwards you can say that you really tried.

    You should continuously check your own attitude, especially your motivation. I realise that at one point, because I was frustrated, I started to be much more desperate to get matched and blessed. I should rather have focussed and asked myself: ‘How can I love my future spouse? What can I give her?’

    As well, I didn´t read that much Hoon Dok Hwe (HDH) anymore. The influence from secular society is strong. Why is it important to do HDH? You allow your mind to get nourished with certain content, you give your conscience new energy. And then it is important to think how to apply what you have read.

    One needs to make conditions, but conditions can be much simpler than most people think. Every action you do during your day is a condition

    What would you have done differently or what would you advise others not to do?

    Keep your spiritual life alive, keep asking yourself about your own motivation, before deciding to do certain action steps. You should really make effort to get clear with yourself what matching and blessing means to you. Getting matched is not the goal; if you say ‘yes’ to a matching you say ‘yes’ to a blessing. I would also say that there is no need to spend more than six months getting to know each other. You have to be aware that your partner is not going to be perfect – you will be the person to help your spouse become better. Your spouse, and then your children, are your very own messiahs. I believe that.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    Things are not always easy in our church and we should dream less and do more.

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    There may be no fault on your part, but keep looking at yourself, what motivation do you have, why you want to get matched and what can you give your future spouse – I am not speaking about materialistic stuff. Don´t think about what your spouse can give you, or what you want to have from your spouse. Sooner or later it will happen. Don’t become too attached to your single life or it may be more difficult to start to live with someone else or to let another person into your life.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    I had the idea that only “troubled” people were left unmatched. Still I always managed to put my faith in them and had high hopes that everything would work out, but I had the experience of the other person braking off the matching. I remained active in the church, but as time went by I felt more and more out of place. As the Blessing is such a main part of the theology and our life-style, the discrepancy in my own life became almost too much to bear. I had never gotten to the point that I wanted to give up, leave the church or find somebody outside the church, but I was beginning to feel very stupid: “What’s in it for me? Why give so much when nothing is coming back?”

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    As I said I never actually lost faith in the Blessing. I always knew that once it was supposed to happen (the right guy came along) it would all happen very quickly and smoothly. I was worried, though, about turning thirty and not being Blessed yet.

    What would you have done differently or what would you advise others not to do?

    I would have hoped not to have my first Blessing broken. I really don’t know if it would have been good in the long run, but that threw me off for a couple of years. I would say, do not put your life on hold. Decisions such as what to study, where to live, what work to do, to spend or save, or to travel were impossible for me for a while because the issue of getting Blessed seemed to lurk just around the corner. This waiting in limbo sucked a lot of energy out of me and made my university studies a drag. Although it might seem like the last thing you want to do – go out and do whatever you want (in accordance with your original mind of course!) I’d like to think that creates the right kind of energy and also gives you maturing experiences that will be conducive to getting matched and blessed in the future.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    The Blessing is very humbling, which I mean in an extremely positive way. When the Blessing finally comes, it is a real Blessing. It’s the most wonderful feeling to receive something that is rightfully and fully yours. This ordeal of the long kind of matching process shaped me to become the person who can appreciate and see the value. I don’t regret that it took so long. Everything is perfect now (maybe not by other people’s standards and certainly not by external standards), everything that matters.

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    I know it’s tough, it’s the worst; it doesn’t make any sense. Still, stay as open as possible. I found it very painful when somebody once told me “You can’t be picky.” because, despite everything, I didn’t have to accept someone if it was against my intuition and my wants. And yet, within my own capability, by myself, I came to a point where I felt I could have accepted anyone (I hope that makes sense), my heart had not closed off. Once you strip away all expectations a whole new level of perception and wonderfulness opens up.

    Any other comments? (Feel free to write anything)

    Honestly, I feel I am not the one to give advice because I cannot explain what happened or how I deserve this. I didn’t give up hope and kept involved in church activities, but I never did any conditions, never prayed; I’m not the religious type. That is why it has been even more shocking and moving to find out that friends had been praying for me, and soon after they made a suggestion that led to me getting Blessed a year later.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    Finding the right person even though I had travelled to other places outside of my home region of Australia and New Zealand. I felt the stress and pressure of getting older and not knowing how to approach getting matched: putting myself out there despite feeling a bit hopeless, trying to not feel desperate. It felt as though I was putting my life on hold despite wanting to move forward.

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    Trusting that God can work through other people to help me find a match. Deciding to take the matching into my own hands (to be proactive) and not just relying on my parents, although having their support was much needed.

    I decided to try many different ways of getting to know other people. For example, I attended various workshops, traveling and meeting people in other communities. I allowed myself to relax about my age. I was willing to pursue a potential matching possibility and take the opportunities that come (even if they don’t work out).

    What would you have done differently or what would you advise others not to do?

    I would probably say that the times when I wasn’t fully committed to the process was when I had any sort of difficult experiences. For example, I was really not excited about the matching website but thought I SHOULD do it to make progress. That attitude really didn’t help me progress and made me feel quite frustrated at the whole process even more. Being excited about or committed to the approach is something that I should have paid more attention to – it is a very exciting thing! Having an impatient attitude when you’re waiting can leave you blocked and frustrated. Being matched and blessed now, I can say that it was completely worth the wait. I wish I had allowed myself to enjoy other areas in life a bit more instead of focusing on the frustration.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    God knows you better than you might think. Drawing up an image of the kind of life I would like to live and the person I could see myself with allowed me to find my soulmate. I learned that it’s important to have faith that you can reach your goal and target even if it seems impossible because it only takes one little link to connect you to that person. I’m so happy that I didn’t give up and persevered!

    What would you say to another Blessed Child over 24 who is making efforts to get matched and Blessed?

    While waiting, keep yourself busy! Even though it might be one of your main focuses don’t allow yourself be completely consumed by it. I started a few new hobbies to keep my mind in a healthy and positive state. Don’t become inactive because you feel desperate but be decisive about the kind of person you would like to meet and could see yourself with.

  • What were the main challenges you experienced in getting matched?

    I’m a rather insecure and indecisive person, so the matching and the decision about who to get married to was always intimidating for me. No matter how much I tried fitting into the system, I felt very strongly that the matching system, as good as it may be, simply would not work for me. I really couldn’t connect to it or see why it is the way that I will find my partner. It rather felt it was a huge obstacle to finding him!

    Also, my parents and I tried really hard to work together, but we just couldn’t manage to be on the same page about how to do it and it felt pretty awkward. In hindsight, I would say that back then, I didn’t know what “a relationship” is about. I had an abstract, idealistic idea about being a “blessed couple” that had hardly anything to do with real life. So I still needed (and need) to learn a lot about the most basic aspects of human life (connection, love, vulnerability, etc.).

    What were the key decisions and efforts you made to overcome these challenges?

    In 2014, at the age of 25, I got to a point where I realised, you could say I decided, that GOD IS BIGGER than the matching system. SO much bigger. So I told my parents I would take it into my own hands. However, I had absolutely no idea what to do because I’m REALLY not the kind of person who will go up to a guy and suggest a matching! So I went by the motto: “I’ll do my best, and God does the rest.” I updated my profile on the website. I got in contact with the person organizing the 24+ retreat in the USA and considered going. People told me that there aren’t a lot of people out there, but I knew that I don’t need many but only ONE! I was confident that God will provide and that there is a way for me. I may not see it, but that doesn’t matter. Also, I realised that I had never really felt open for a relationship and mainly tried to get matched because that’s what I was supposed to do! In many ways, I felt afraid of a relationship. However, through a long process, I grew my confidence that this relationship WILL happen, whether it takes a month or a year or longer. And eventually I got to a point where I finally felt truly open for it.

    What would you have done differently or what would you advise others not to do?

    I’m grateful for the journey and everything that happened along the way, including two, rather short, matching processes that were both ended by the other person. Also, I don’t regret receiving the blessing this “late”. I took as much time as I needed until I felt ready, and for me, the “how” is more important than the “when”. This way, I was able to go to the blessing with a happy, grateful heart and KNOW what I’m doing! Also, I think at a younger age, I wouldn’t have known myself enough in order to go through the growing process that the matching experience brought about. Instead of becoming more open, I would probably have pushed away this wonderful person who I feel is the best partner God could have picked for me.

    What lessons have you learned through your journey to getting matched?

    Don’t believe everything you think.

    Any other comments

    My spouse says that the first time we met, he felt that I was “the one” for him. He didn’t tell me, though, so we developed out friendship over two years. Then he felt prepared and ready to approach me, which, miraculously, happened to be at the same time I felt ready! However, I wasn’t really sure how to react. I thought about his suggestion for a week and focused on the things that are most important to me in a relationship, which was very helpful.

    I came to the conclusion that despite how little I know him, I see the potential to have the kind of relationship I wish for. And this potential now proves to be more than true. However, it took me more than a year to overcome my fear of commitment until my fear didn’t control me anymore and I could happily say “yes”. Along the way, I received support from not only my spouse but many different people. I think that especially for someone like me, who finds it difficult to trust herself and know what I want, it was very good that the circumstances forced me to make this decision – my decision. Also, there were many experiences and situations along the way that kept reassuring me that GOD IS IN THIS – that God is guiding both of us and has been leading us to find each other. I still feel this guidance today. Both of us feel that our blessing is a miracle, a grace and a blessing.

    There are a lot of resources / books / articles about fear of commitment out there, so I advise you to take a look if that is something you are trying to deal with.

Read Testimonies from previously married couples who received the Blessing.

  • Received the Blessing at Hyeojong Cosmic Blessing 2020, Korea

    I, Reena, and my spouse, Bhagwan Das, are from Pakistan. We received the Blessing in the presence of our Precious True Mother. We are grateful to be part of this Heavenly event, following True Parent’s path of love and peace and our lives have been totally changed. True Parents help us in many ways. After receiving the Blessing, we experienced happiness through True Parents guidance. Our marriage became beautiful and we hope to become an ideal couple and ideal parents and serve as much as we can to spread True Parents vision and message of “One family under God”. Thanks to my Omma, Marilyn Angelucci, for giving us this Heavenly experience and thanks to the officiating couple, who educated us about Blessing and shared their beautiful experiences about how it felt being a Blessed Couple. We had a special emotional and memorable moment when we went through the “Stick Ceremony” in very special way in the presence of True Parents. It was as if True Parents were watching us. Thanks to our elder sisters Orlande and Patrizia who made that moment very special for us and really took good care of us. The Blessing is a gift from True Parents to humankind and we must understand how much God loves us and why marriage is the most important and the most beautiful part of human life. Our precious True Parents came to this world to guide us to walk God’s path of love and spread peace and love. The Blessing makes marriage meaningful and we became more respectful and more responsible towards each other.


    Reena & Bhagwan Das from Pakistan


Life as a Couple

Couples sharing how it is to finally be a couple with everything that comes with it, happy moments but also challenges they are facing.

  • Female, Blessed 2009, 3 Kids, matched by TP

    No matter how many relationship books and blogs I read before being Blessed and how long I ‘dreamed’ about being a loving wife. My husband challenged and frustrated me more than any other person in my life before. Spending so much time together and so intimately, also brings up things we really don’t like in each other. When we were first Blessed, I was so scared to get into our first argument. When it actually happened it wasn’t so bad, we were both understanding and wanting to resolve it.

    What I didn’t know is that there are certain issues that come up again and again as a conflict. THIS is where you can start to feel ‘stuck’ and question your relationship because it seems ‘impossible’ to get over this issue. It feels lonely and maybe embarrassing to talk with someone else about this but this is exactly the time when you need support. I had a few close friends that were Blessed and I started sharing what I was going through and asking for advice. Learning from them that they also have certain things they continually argue about was such a relief. “Oh wow they go through this too!” It gave me more encouragement to keep working through the difficulties and trust that we were growing closer through them.

    When you’re struggling alone and not talking with anyone, you only have your own thoughts. Those thoughts can quickly turn into doubts that something is wrong with you or your spouse. When you can talk with other couples and hear their stories, you’re reminded that conflict is just a normal part of marriage that everyone goes through – again and again.

  • Female, Blessed 2004, 3 Kids, matched by parents

    The way i see it to be a blessed couple is like a journey.

    I guess when I was blessed I was rather naïve what it means to be a Blessed Couple and I had some strong Ideas and concepts about what it means to be a couple. Not very healthy ones though. My biggest references were Hollywood movies which are not really showing accurate relationship views. So it was a bit of a surprise after a while to see that not everything is happy joyful butterflies all the time. But it was all comforting to realize that every couple actually goes through up and downs and that I am not the only one with problems. And that sometimes we need help from someone else who helps us to work through stuff.

    I guess what I learnt after more than 15 years being blessed and having a few kids is that communication is a big key in a marriage. It’s still not very easy for me to communicate since I came from a family where this was not practice. Communication is a bit of simple word but I am more talking about to share your heart and feelings with someone and to allow differences in opinions without feeling hurt towards each other.

    One other key point is patience and not giving up to easily. Sometimes it takes time to work through things and sometimes one person in the couple just needs time and space to work on it by him or herself, nothing should be forced or pushed and this is also what I had to accept.

    We have to try to understand each other’s heart, situation and background where one comes from. I also learned unfortunately in many difficult ways that I cannot change another person. But the only person I can change is myself and how I see and accept things and that love is the only key to move someone else’s heart.

    One big support or consistency that helped me a lot, accept other people, is to have a healthy spiritual life. Connecting daily to God and reading of TP words just gave me a lot of support and strength to stay positive even though circumstances were maybe tough in my own relationship and family. Sharing with God honestly about problems gave me strength and I realized solutions and help was always around and on its way. Overall it made me connect on a deeper level to God and TP and that I am grateful for.

    Being a couple means to constantly investing in each other. And more than once I realized that love has to be in the center than there is space to evolve.

  • Male, Blessed 2005, 3 Kids, matched by True Parents

    I have been matched and blessed by True Parents in 2005 and I have been happily blessed for more than 14 years but happily does not mean that our lives and our relationship are happy and jolly all the time.

    When in 2005, while I was in my 1st year of STF I suddenly felt the urge to go to True Parent’s matching and blessing a fight started between my heart and my mind. My heart was telling that I was ready and that it was the right time while my mind was telling that I was not ready, that had too many shortcomings and that I am not ready to be a good husband. The only way I could finally reconcile my thoughts and feelings is by admitting that I was not ready to be a good husband but that I was ready to commit to become a good one and to make the relationship work no matter what. Right after getting matched and blessed I felt very happy because I immediately felt accepted and appreciated by my wife. But I felt that I really needed to work on myself in order to be ready not only to be a good husband, but the great husband she truly deserved. So I decided to do a 2nd and then 3rd year of STF to keep working on my faith, character and relationships. This is really something that helped so much in really being ready to create a harmonious relationship with my wife.

    We actually only started living together 2 years and half after the blessing while doing public mission. Even though we had a great relationship it was definitely not easy but it was a great way to start by truly living as a couple for a higher purpose. When you start living together and you don’t focus on a higher purpose than your couple, the danger to focus only on your problems if things are difficult or to only focus on your own happiness if things are going well. Having a higher purpose to focus on can be a motivation to resolve problems in the couple or can be a way to make others benefit of the love and happiness you share as a couple. I really believe that living the blessing is combining the best aspects of a traditional marriage which are commitment and higher purpose and the best aspect of a modern marriage which is a deep, harmonious and fulfilling love relationship.

    After STF we started living together and had more time for romance and developing our relationship as a couple and we had beautiful romantic wedding 5 years after the Blessing. I also went back to my studies, started working, got involved in CARP and we had our first two children. After a while all these different responsibilities and activities were too much for me and I stopped being actively involved in CARP and the movement. Also in this very busy day to day life I completely stopped taking time for myself to reflect, receive inspirations, pray, set internal goals and keep improving my character like I was doing on STF. This started to affect my priorities and I started to focus a lot more on career success and income than family and community. Luckily our faith and relationship as a couple was solid and truly committed to go through this challenging period of time.

    I was struggling with addictions and at one moment I experienced a burn out because of working too much and it is my wife who helped to go through this difficult time by sharing deeply and honestly with her on a daily basis. After a while I got better, I started working less but we kept our daily personal sharing as a tradition and it deepened our relationship as a couple tremendously even though we had been blessed for 10 years already. We started to take more time together as a couple by asking our parents to take care of our young children and this was very important to keep a romantic and loving relationship once you have children. We always had a good relationship despite disagreements and tensions that come on the way and one of our most important practices was to always resolve our conflicts quickly. I never thought that our relationship could improve so much and we could so much in love even after many years as a couple.

    When our 3rd child was born I even reduced more my working hours in order to spend more time with family and the church community. I started to take time again to deeply reflect and work my personal development and since then our relationship went to a whole other level and I realized how much I had forgotten about the importance of working on yourself and focusing on a higher purpose in order to improve your relationship. When you feel more at peace on a individual level it is just so much easier to be emotionally grounded and stable for your spouse and children. And when you focus on a higher purpose you don’t focus too much on you own problems, you have a higher motivation to overcome them and especially you experience the fulfillment of helping others.


Couples sharing how it is being a parent, but also a spouse to one another.

  • 2nd gen couple with 2 children under 5 years old

    What do you do to keep developing your marriage relationship while raising children?

    Wife: Ironically enough, I make an effort to take care of my needs first. When I take care of myself I can approach my husband from a place of genuine love and affection rather than from a place of neediness and desperation. That and setting aside time to really talk and be vulnerable about whatever happens to be going on in life. In the crazy busy life with kids, it’s important to make time to connect and catch-up.

    Husband: Be dependable, set aside time for each other and have fun when you can.

    How did you decide together about what values and spiritual traditions you want to raise your children with?

    Wife: Haha, we should probably have that talk soon. So far we’ve just rolled with it and tried to survive living with toddlers.

    Husband: Haven’t gotten there yet; but want my kids to experience our “core teaching” and be dependable people.

    What’s your advice for developing a close connection and relationship with your children?

    Wife: Listen to them. Really listen to them. Hear what they have to say, get to know how their mind works, and learn to see the world through their eyes even if it’s just for a moment. Even if it sounds ridiculous or mundane, it’s important to them.

    Husband: Listen to what they have to say, be there when they need you, and don’t be too serious, be spontaneous (“random acts of fun”).

    What does building a God-centered family mean to you? What do you do, practically, to bring God into your family?

    Wife: For me, a God-centered family is a family that includes God in their lives, even in the mundane parts. Practically speaking, we pray with them before mealtimes and before they go to bed. Sometimes, we do HDH as a part of bedtime reading. When they ask questions, I answer as openly and honestly as I can. We also do an offering table for birthdays and some holy days.

    Husband: Be family that God can be proud of, and be dependable (there for others).

  • 1st gen couple with 2 children under 6 years old

    What does building a God-centered family mean to you? What do you do, practically, to bring God into your family?

    Wife: Um, good question. I always, always… as much as possible, try to see what I’m experiencing from the point of view of the DP and God. When something challenging or even just not nice happens, see it could make sense. When I don’t manage or just can’t see it, I trust. Trust that there must be a reason that will be revealed eventually. Try to see the good side of it, what am I learning here ? Always reach for the positive side. No matter what. Always trust and try to have no fear: the ‘enemy of love’?! Try in all the different situations, to put God in the middle. Ask for his guidance in raising the kids, in seeing them from his point of view. See the beauty everywhere. Today’s world may look dark, sad and unsafe. That’s the clear message behind media and the first appearances. But that side that seems not obvious is there. It’s just ‘harder’ to see. But when you do see it, it’s so obvious that’s its there. If I were to give some statistic on it, I would even say, its easily more than 50% good… even if it may not seems so.

    Husband: It’s difficult to include God always in my daily life. I see God more when I look back, I have a strong feeling of being guided and supported. With my older kid we pray always in the evening before going to bed. But for now she doesn’t have further questions and I want to give her the time and space she needs.