Original Sex

True Father’s words on God’s Original Ideal for Sex

“The place where a man and a woman make love is where they achieve perfection as a man and as a woman.”

“A man and woman who are striving to become as one mind, one body and one thought – at the core with God – finally can become one through a sexual relationship. The realm of oneness in love that they experience through their bodies will expand throughout their lives, leading to complete unity and harmony. They will achieve eternal, unchanging unity and settle in peace.”

“The issue is sex. Even in sex there are three stages – formation, growth and completion.  However, these stages came into existence only after the Fall. Originally, once Adam and Even made love under God’s Blessing, there would have been no issue. When they had sexual relations for the first time it would have been perfected.”

(Cheon Seong Gyeong p 1199)

5 Myths of Hollywood Sex BUSTED

  • Hollywood Sex

    You need to have experience with each other to know if you’re physically compatible.

    Original Sex

    In a loving marriage you’ll get plenty of experience. You become the expert at pleasing your spouse like no one else and vice versa.

  • Hollywood Sex

    Use Pornography & Masturbation to figure out what you like, get new ideas to try. Keep things exciting.

    Original Sex

    No need for anything besides your partner to find out what you like. Excitement comes from creativity not comparing.

  • Hollywood Sex

    Not a guarantee, physically intimate without knowing the person at all (one night stand). The worst form of mind & body disunity.

    Original Sex

    To be known inside and out and loved for who you are. Sex is deepest physical expression of intimacy. Ultimate unity within yourself, with partner & with God.

  • Hollywood Sex

    Freedom is to be with whoever you want, what if an even better person comes along?

    George Clooney’s story

    Original Sex

    True Freedom is knowing you’re completely loved and accepted for who you are.

    No need to impress or do, just BE YOU.  Only experience this within an unconditional love relationship.

  • Hollywood Sex

    You feel pleasure and other person feels pleasure.

    1+1= 2

    Original Sex

    DOUBLE, you feel MORE happy about your spouse’s joy than you do about your own AND your spouse feels the same way about you.

    2+2= 4

“What kind of couple are the ideal husband and wife we speak about in the Unification Church? They are a married couple who can turn the highest art into reality.  Such things should not appear just in literature or just as a movie scene. Rather, you should live like that throughout your whole life. Since the best history and best culture have been turned upside down, I have been creating a new history in order to establish such a world and to live in such a way.”

— (23-56, 1969.5.11)