Il Shim Preparation Materials

The Il Shim preparation period is a time to study the Blessing lifestyle, for those who are preparing for the Il Shim ceremony, or for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding on the topic. It can be beneficial for younger participants to participate in the Il Shim preparation period, even though they still feel too young to do the ceremony. 

The existing study material from our global community can be found beneath this paragraph together with short descriptions. Depending on which material one chooses to use, the duration of this preparation period varies between one to six months. The various kinds of material also contain readings and discussion questions.

We encourage both parents and participants to go through the material together. This is a great opportunity to learn from and about each other, as well as to have honest conversations about important topics. Making this commitment is the first step in our lives towards the matching and the Blessing. Therefore it is important to make it together.

During this period, if circumstances allow it, we suggest that the participants meet up from time to time to discuss the reading content among each other (e.g. after Sunday Service, HARP meetups, etc). Discussions amongst peers can provide opportunities to see things from a different angle, as well as an opportunity to deepen relationships amongst each other. 

The Gift of Purity

Each chapter of the booklet elaborates on one of the Three Blessings. The various topics consist of a short reading and some reflection questions. The main goal of the booklet is to spark honest conversations on important topics between participants and their parents. The end of a chapter could also be an opportunity for a small youth service of peer discussion.  

Length – 3 chapters, each containing 8 study topics

Contents – readings, reflection and sharing questions, reflection activities

Created by – Alésia Bruffaerts, 2017

European Material

The material has been widely used in Europe for purity education. Depending on the country, the way of relaying the material differs. Some might feel that the contents of this education are missing some points (e.g. education on using social media and the internet), please feel free to adjust it.

Length – 4 lecture slideshows with reading

Contents – 4 lecture slides; each topic has its own reading, reading assignment (DP, Bible, etc.), and discussion/reflection questions

Created by – Susan & Ashley Crosthwaite, and Ole & Jane Toresen, 2010

US Il Shim curriculum

The content includes a detailed guide and materials for 10 sessions, including guidelines for the graduation ceremony, where the youth, as well as the parents, exchange vows, then the youth and the community make their pledges. A lot of the content mirrors American culture so feel free to adjust it to your country’s culture.

Length – 10 sessions (session 6 is a 2-day workshop & session 10 is the graduation ceremony)

Contents – ice-breaking games, readings, reflection and sharing questions, activities and homework (parents interview [3. session], habits [4], service internship [6], effects of porn [7]), worksheets (personal mission statement and family mission statement [6], “My plan for the internet” [7])

Created by – US Youth Ministry

Examples from Different Countries

  • European Material – within 2 months they had 2 meetings, 2 small projects, aside from that families got homework. Participants also offered a dance with their parents in front of the community (girls with their dads, boys with their moms). 

  • The Gift of Purity – 6 months reading within the family, going through 1 topic each week. Youth service on the topic of the readings every two months.

  • European Material – a 21-day condition of studying the material at home + 3-day workshop with service project (sample schedule included in the material). Skip meals fast and donations are offered by the participants.

  • European Material – meeting after Sunday Service for 4 weeks + one full day workshop (schedule included in the material) 

  • Gift of Purity – 6 months reading within the family, 1 topic each week. 40 hours fasting condition and donation is offered by the participants. 2 meetings – a half day seminar and the ceremony during spring break. Participants also offer a waltz (girls with their dads, boys with their moms).

    Follow-up ceremony – a ceremony of Adulthood/Maturity every year for high school graduates. Participants read about love and purity. Closing with an interactive ceremony together with the parents (pledges, and a special prayer from the community wishing well for the participants).

  • European Material – meeting after Sunday Service for 4 weeks + one full day workshop (schedule included in the material) 

  • US Material – an introductory session (parents and youth separately), 8 study sessions, and the graduation ceremony. Session 6 is a 2-day workshop (includes learning about other religions and Unificationist traditions.